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History of Memory: Trauma of memory and therapy of History

Published by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, a collective book titled : History of Memory: Trauma of memory and therapy of History, under the direction of Professor of Contemporary History Habib Kazdaghli.


This book is an extension of the discussions and reflections that followed the interventions presented during the doctoral seminar on the theme History of memory. Part of the texts, found in this book, around which were articulated in the dozen sessions that took place at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Manouba during two academic years (2016-2017) and (2017-2018). These meetings, as well as the book to which they gave rise, are the embodiment of well-established scientific cooperation between the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s Office for Academic Cooperation and the Heritage Research Laboratory based at the University of Manouba.

Les contributions qui suivent abordent les rapports entre Histoire et mémoire et les questions de l’historicité du fait mémoriel; elles s’interrogent sur les fluctuations entre souvenirs et oublis et sur les variations qui peuvent connaître la mémoire d’un même fait en fonction des changements du contexte historique.

The book is available in all Tunisian bookstores

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