Here is an example page. It is different from a blog post, in that it will stay in the same place, and will be displayed in the navigation menu of your site (depending on your theme). Most people start by writing a “About” page that introduces them to potential visitors to the site. You could write something about it:

Hello ! I am a mechanic who aspires to become an actor, and this is my blog. I live in Bordeaux, I have a great dog named Russell, and I like vodka-pineapple (as well as wasting my time watching the rain fall).

… or something like this:

The company 123 Machin Truc was created in 1971, and has been offering the public quality stuff since this year. Located in Saint-Remy-en-Bouzemont-Saint-Genest-and-Isson, 123 Machin Truc employs 2,000 people, and manufactures all kinds of super gadgets for the community of Bouzemontoise.

Since you are a new user or user of WordPress, you should go to your dashboard to erase this page, and create new pages with your own content. Have fun !



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Marie Kane


Julie Dux

Project Manager